- complaint: not enough control over replication
- predicate to system, apply to the system before
- hash or sorted tables
- no foreign key constraints (not normalized?)
- selection predicates, and projection from tables
- no joins
- per record timeline consistency, all replicas apply updates to record in same order. all updates go to a master, which moves around for performace
- tyson likes that they took the right pieces out of the db to support the right pieces (read one record at a time)
- no fine control over replication factor
- rethink isolation?
Notes on Michael's SCADS talk:
- Scale independence (borrowed idea from db papers, data independence)
- No changes to app as you scale
- latency stays constant
- const/users stays constant
- auto scale up/down
- declarative performance consistency
- perf. safe query language (cardinality constraints)
- give developers axis that they understand:
- performance SLA
- read consistency (freshness)
- write consistency
- durability SLA
- Session guarantees (monontonic reads, read your own writes)
1 comment:
تقدم هذه شركة تنظيف كنب في العين خدمات تنظيف المنازل ابوظبي من خلال أساليب تقنية حديثة وفريق عمل محترف ومتخصص في كافة مجالات التنظيف العميق والشامل للمنزل بتفاصيله الصغيرة. كما وتشتهر بأسعارها
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